Om mig

Jag har arbetat med politisk kommunikation och opinionsbildning i tjugo år. Liberalismen ligger mig varmt om hjärtat, och jag kämpar för att vi alla ska få leva i frihet så länge vi inte skadar andra. Jag tror att människor är starka, som individer och tillsammans med andra. Vi är unika och bör därför få rätt att utforma livet enligt egna drömmar. 

I min karriär har jag:

- författat 8 böcker, varav 5 är utgivna av förlag i Sverige (Forum, Forma, Redaktionen, Timbro) och 1 av förlag i Australien och Norge
- skrivit ett flertal längre rapporter, utgivna av bl.a. Timbro och Svenskt Näringsliv
- spökskrivit debattartiklar och tal om politik och näringsliv
- skrivit hundratals artiklar och kolumner, om allt från samhällstrender till kärlek och politik
- jobbat som pr-konsult, omvärldsanalytiker, journalist, researcher, kommunikationsstrateg/planner - för bl.a. Prime PR, United Minds, Springtime och Garbergs.

Välkommen att maila mig på eller ringa på 0765456160

Jag är väldigt tacksam över att dagligen få peppande läsarmail. De är privata, men här är vad några av mina gamla arbetsgivare eller kollegor har skrivit om mig på Linkedin osv. 

Carolin Dahlman har varit politisk chefredaktör på liberala Kristianstadsbladet där hon gjorde en rekordsnabb karriär, från vikarie till chef för ledarredaktionen. Hon valde intressanta  ämnen, alltid modigt och inopportunt: brott och straff, migration och integration - alltså på de områden där Sverige misslyckats grundligt och behovet av nytänkande är som störst. Hon var självständigheten personifierad, med klart deklarerade liberala värderingar och alltid noggran källredovisning. Med en briljant formuleringstalang skrev hon spetsigt och glasklart, med omdömen som väckte uppmärksamhet - och motstånd. För ett liberalt forum som vill påverka debatten är hon en unik tillgång.

Jag som skriver detta - Nils-Eric Sandberg, filosof, statsvetare, ekonom - har viss erfarenhet som underlag för mina omdömen: 33 år som ledarskribent  i DN, sedan frilans, medförfattare till 80 böcker. 


"Carolin Dahlman är en av de mest drivna skribenter som jag någonsin samarbetat med. Hon har en förmåga att i text förklara mycket komplicerade frågor på ett målgruppsanpassat, enkelt och målande sätt. Men inte nog med det. Genom hennes både breda och djupa kunskap, bland annat när det gäller samhällspolitiska frågor, är hon också en utmärkt analytiker. Detta, tillsammans med den unika språkhanteringen, utgör en sällsynt kombination."

Magnus Carlsson, Ägare Lotsen Kommunikation


"Under sitt vikariat var Dahlman drivande, initiativrik, pragmatisk och mycket arbetsvillig. Hon kom snabbt in i ledarredaktionens arbetssätt och kom att bli mycket uppskattad på hela allmänredaktionen för sin humor, vänlighet och kvicktänkthet. Dahlman utförde alla förekommande arbetsuppgifter för ledarskribenter väl, inklusive att genomföra politiska studiointervjuer i TV. Hennes kunskaper om sociala mediers funktionssätt blev en värdefull resurs för ledarredaktionen. Hennes orädda och debattglada stil som skribent av opinionsjournalistik gjorde avtryck bland tidningens läsare."

Jens Runnberg, Politisk redaktör, Dalarnas Tidningar

“Caroline is a proactive and tireless contributor who would make a great addition to any team. She impressed all of us by the knowledge of transform complex challenges to something explicit. Not only she spread joy, she also deliver results. Caroline not only gives me inspiration, she inspires people around her with ideas and meaningful insights, always efficient and thorough in her work. I would highly recommend her for any position she would be interested in.

Karim Walldén, planner Springtime

”Carolin is intelligent, creative and inspiring. She is an excellent planner, communicator and writer. Carolin always brings interesting new angles, sharp analysis and ideas to the work she is involved in. I wish I get the opportunity to work with Carolin and her sharp mind again one day and congratulate all clients and co workers who will!”

Emelie Mannheimer, MD Springtime

"The only time in my life I have found it fun to be in an endless queue was when I happened to end up next to a smart, interested and very well-read girl named Carolin who worked as a strategic planner. When the queue was over, I wanted to read her book about Love Branding, hear more about how to generate feelings about brands, start working with her ​​immediately. Carolin is the lucky combination of a “scientist” on human behaviour who also can both build the trust of clients, argue wisely for her insights and give teams new tools to work with. She is also so impressive productive - you have to be if you had time to write so-so eight books, be a blogger, work more than full time and yet always be curious about new projects and take the time to engage in what others are doing. But warning: sharpen your arguments properly and be prepared to answer the question: what do people feel about this? "

Johan Van Der Schoot, Owner, Garbergs 

"I have worked with Carolin in several digital projects and benefited greatly from her ability to understand customers in depth and adding useful strategic guidelines to the creatives. Projects have become stronger thanks to her input and our clients have found it easier to understand why we proposed one campaign idea and not another. For me, working digitally, it's nice to have a planner who also keeps up with what's happening in my world, and the opportunities new technology offers. Carolin is both smart and fun to work with. "

Johan Baettig, Digital Creative Director, Garbergs

“Carolin really opened my eyes for what you as a creative can achieve when you have a good researched based to stand on. Only a real good strategic planner can open eyes like this, and set a growing ground for communication ideas that not only make its job, but also change costumer behaviour for the better on a subconscious level.” 

Simon Färninger, Digital Designer / New tech researcher, Garbergs

 “People like Carolin are few and far between. She's brimming with ideas, original thinking and different ways to look at challenges and issues. Her thinking is driven by a innate desire and aptitude for getting under that skin of the consumer and the brand in order to arrive at fresh insights that can form the basis of great work. She brings an energy and enthusiasm to a group that is infectious and helps to inspire others.” 

Kenny Hill, Head of Business Development & Group Business Director, 303Lowe

 “Carolin was recommended to Pendulum Communications for strategic planning on a large integrated experiential campaign for our financial client. Carolin´s strategic approach to the brief was extremely insightful and the client was impressed with both Carolin´s findings and her presentation. She is very passionate and driven, along with having a great attitude and is a delight to work with. I would recommend Carolin to anyone looking for an experienced articulate mind and a great personality fit for any company.”
Simone Wengdal, partner, MD Pendulum Communications

“Carolin is a passionate, driven, out of the ordinary strategist who has developed a unique and valuable way of looking at brand communications strategy. She is a prolific writer and commentator in her field, which gives her a unique and current perspective on consumers' relationships with the brands they choose to love (or hate), and perhaps more importantly, why they make these choices. 

I would recommend her wholeheartedly as someone who can genuinely give any strategy driven organisation a point of difference, and that "X-Factor" that so often is sought but rarely found.” October 6, 2011

Paddy Douneen, Media Director, BMF

“Carolin was recently engaged by The Marketing Zoo to assist on a major pitch. Not only was Carolin a delight to work with, her outputs were superb. We won the business and I would retain her again on similar projects in a heartbeat.”
Top qualities: Great Results, Personable, Expert 

David Lo, CEO Marketing Zoo

“Carolin is a joy to work with. Her sharp intellect and keen observations are matched with a big heart and pure professionalism. She has important things to share with the world, and makes the most of her talent to help people improve their lives and find love. Expect complete commitment and fast action with her, as well as generosity beyond the call of duty.”

Charlotta Öberg, Cross-Cultural Consultant 

“Carolin showed her professional side when she presented to 80+ attendees at a November 09 Conference I ran. I chose her for her differentiation and unique ideas. The audience was excited, energised and enthusiastic, wanting more and recommending her return for future events. I was ecstatic.” 
Top qualities: Personable, Good Value, Creative 

Philip Bendeich, Toastmasters, hired Carolin as a Trainer in 2009

 “Carolin is a very skilled writer and an excellent communicator with a deep understanding of societal and market trends - and ther implications for consumer behaviour, branding and business.” 
Carl Elfgren, Owner, Revenue Consulting, worked with Carolin at United Minds 

“Carolin is intelligent, creative and has strong integrity.” 

Jonas Hellman, Senior consultant, Prime PR; United Minds

“Carolin was hired (as a contractor) as my communications/PR advisor from 2007 until 2008, when I was the CEO of The Federation of Swedish Business Owners. 
Carolin always delivers excellent quality and strives to perform her very best in all assigments given to her. Carolin is a role model for reliability and trust, and she has a high level of integrity. Also, Carolin has exceptional people skills. 
Carolin's contributions to the organization's success in public relations were crucial at the time, and her work was highly appreciated.
I was very happy to work with Carolin and I would be pleased to work with her again.” 
Top qualities: Great Results, High Integrity, Creative

Anna-Stina Nordmark Nilsson, CEO Företagarna

 “Carolin is a very creative and conscientious person, who works hard and effectively to create results and value not just for herself, but for the rest of the group as well. She is also a very kind, warm and likeable person who creates a positive atmosphere around her, which is of tremendous value to any organization.” 
Top qualities: Personable, High Integrity, Creative 

Johan Norberg, author Timbro

 “Carolin is hard working, intelligent and great with clients, always creative and self going, coming up with new ways to get publicity for the companies she worked with, most times with stunning results. We also had lots of fun working together, which is a bonus!” 

Kristofer Myrevik, CEO Medial Kommunikation AB

 “I was always very impressed by Carolin's analytical strength and solid project management skills. This probably derives from her being so brave and passionate about her work and that she is very adaptive; unlike many others, Carolin appears to view change as opportunity. I give her the best of recommendations.”

Ann-Charlotte Högberg, Political Adviser, Moderaterna, Swedish Parliament

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